Bongi Mntambo | Idols South Africa

Bongi Mntambo: Idols SA 2020 'Season 16' Top 16 Contestant

Full Name: Sibongile Mntambo

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Home Town: Welkom

Audition City: Johannesburg

What artistic quality do you love most in yourself? I love the fact that I become very vulnerable and true to my feelings [when performing]. I am very focused and I make sure that every line/note/melody is thought through. I basically leave my heart on stage.

My South African celebrity crush is… (Tell us why) Nomzamo Mbatha. She is an absolute gem who took herself out of an environment that wasn’t conducive for her and took herself to where she wanted to be, with a huge smile on her face. She’s a go-getter who’ll stop at nothing to chase after her dreams.

If you could have an EPIC collab with any music star living or passed on, who would it be and why? Brenda Fassie. I grew up listening to her music and watching her videos. There was a point when I became convinced that I WAS BRENDA FASSIE or her daughter. I love her as an artist because she was so true to herself and she never wanted to be like someone else. She had her flaws just like everyone, but she was a total beast on stage. She would have definitely help me get out of my comfot zone more! Kelly Khumalo too. She’s an absolutely amazing musician and I feel like her work gets underestimated. I love her artistry and how she just gets lost in the music. Very true to herself and she has a very vulnerable tone to her voice.

Which former Idols contestant inspires you the most? How come? It definitely has to be Khaya Mthetha. I love him because he didn’t just ride on the Idols wave, but worked hard to get where he is now. He’s still making waves to this day even though it’s not in the Pop industry.

What’s your tagline or motto? Live each and every day as if it’s your last, because tomorrow is never guaranteed.

What inspires you? Knowing that I inspire others inspires me to do even better.


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